Happy, happy Tuesday!! It is another busy day! It feels like the days are just zooming by! Christmas is so close! Are you ready?
I am working on it! We had a super big weekend! Heston was baptized and Hinckley was blessed! It was an amazing day and so very special!
I will be sharing those later this week but for today, I am trying to get caught up on well….. life! Marsha, Hinckley,and Charli all have terrible colds and small fevers… so my day will be trying to clean up, and snuggle!
I wanted to share my lasagna recipe! It is perfect to have in the freezer for busy days like today! You can find the recipe HERE!
Delicious!! Even the kids love it!!
AND please don’t forget! If you have any extra blankets, we are going to Chicago next weekend and we are hoping to give some warm blankets the needy! Just let me know and I can get them from you!
I hope you have a super day! And Keep cozy!!
I was asleep by 10:30pm WHoo hoo! I probably should have been doing some blogging, but hey sleep won!
The hot tub is fixed! THANK YOU to my brilliant brother Tony.
So many friends came to the baptism and blessing, meant so very much.
I ate a cupcake! It was delicious!
Love a hot shower, ahhhhhh …..specifically one during quiet time, when there are no little voices calling MOMMY!