Happy, happy Friday! What a beautiful day! The kids have off school and while they are out playing football, and hot cocoa is heating on the stove, I thought I would share a quick story about our family! My husband is Mike Meier, like the actor more importantly like the scary guy from horror films. Yes, it is spelled differently, but around this time of the year, the snickers happen much more often! Yesterday I made a few phone calls, out of the three I made to various companies, when given Mikes name they audibly snickered and said “like the horror guy?” It is always a great conversation starter! Mike and I ran to the store the other day and as I am checking out, he comes up with something he wanted to buy….. a Mike Meyer mask! I do not love scary….. at all. Just hearing scary music is too much for me! Last night, we are finishing up dinner and playing around as a family, just enjoying ourselves. Mike decided to test the mask! It was funny and awful at the same time! Kids screaming and running away! Charli was horrified! Mikey saved her at some point and carried her away! She is three next week, Mikey is ten… how he carried her and ran so fast is beyond me. Lucy wanted to try her hand at being scary, I think she ends up just being cute! The pictures tell it much better than I! Yes, I took the time to take pictures… is that so awful?? In the end, Charli is fine, she loves her dad and knows it was just a mask…. but still it is awful to laugh but sooooo funny!